Well, it’s that time of year! The time to appreciate all that you have, and help those in need. We may be bias, but we can’t think of a better cause than to sponsor medical research!
Your donation could one day create a cure for an ailment, that one of our little ones within our community struggles with every day. We realize that cure’s don’t come easy, or quick, so your support will also go toward making each day for that child a little bit better.
In March of 2019, Passion For Life will celebrate its 12th inspirational family! Every year the PASSIONate members of our community donate their $$$, and their time to participate in a community event that inspires, motivates, and elevates all that attend.
Every year, Passion for Life chooses one family from our community that inspires us to host the event to raise funds, and awareness for the illness, disability, or disease that affects the child of the inspirational family. This year we are honored to host the event on behalf of Nathan Miller and his family!
This year, the goal of the Passion for Life Organization is to raise funds for the University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital and Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) medical research. In addition, our inspirational family receives funds to alleviate some of the financial burden arising from their struggles.
There is no better time than now to help the Miller family and others just like them! Over the years, we have hosted over 10,000 runners, and had dozens of sponsors. Why not add your company to the long list of supporters, and give back while getting some much deserved recognition for you and your company! Giving is the best form of getting, but don’t take it from us!
“The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mahatma Gandhi
Check out our sponsorship form if you would like to sponsor, or even if you are considering it. After all, there is no fee to download it, so what’s the harm?! There are several sponsorship packages that will scale with any budget!
So, if you want your company logo front and center on the runner bibs, that’s in there! Then again, if those purse strings are a little tight this year, but you have that giving heart, there several are options for you as well! If you don’t see something that works within your budget, or you have another request, we would love to hear from you!
In order to make your decision easier, we think it’s helpful to understand who and what your sponsorship will benefit; so read up on Nathan Miller, this year’s inspirational child, and all of our other past inspirational families.
Each year these children put a little more PASSION in our hearts, and we know they will for you as well! At Passion, we think there is nothing more satisfying than seeing a smile on a child’s face and we are not alone!
There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing a happy and smiling child… A child’s smile is worth more than all the money in the world. – Lionel Messi
For all of our current and past sponsors, we thank you for your generous donations and appreciate the participation in our events year after year. We look forward to seeing all of you at this years event!
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