13th Annual 5k Run/Walk and 5 Mile Run

Due to the Governor’s proclamation of the State of Emergency in the State of Michigan and the increasing concern over the COVID-19, the Passion for Life Organization has decided to cancel the 13th Annual Passion for Life 5K Run/Walk and 5 Mile Run on March 28th. While we are extremely saddened to have to make this decision for our participants, we are more devastated for the Erickson family as well as C. S. Mott Children’s Hospital – which has been our beneficiary over the past 12 years. This proud local event has helped raise in excess of $250,000 for research and our previous Inspirational Families.
Many of our sponsors have generously remained committed to donating to this year’s cause regardless of the event’s cancellation. For this reason, we will still be making a donation to the hospital as well as to the Erickson family. And, while we share your disappointment with this cancellation (and frankly everything that is going on relating to COVID-19), we urge you to stay healthy, go for a run/walk on your own, take a picture and even tag us with the hashtag #PassionforLifeWilliam over the next couple of weeks.
If you have registered and/or would still like to register, we have 800 shirts honoring William and SMA research that we would love to give to anyone who chooses to donate to the cause by registering (which will remain open until March 26th for this reason only). With restaurants, schools, and businesses closing, we are not sure of how and when we will distribute the shirts, bibs, and bags, but we will have an announcement as soon as we can. Thank you for your continued support and if you would like to still register and donate to the cause please visit: https://runsignup.com/Race/MI/WalledLake/PassionForLife5Kand5Mile.
Be positive, stay healthy, and remain passionate for life…
Nebojsa Stojkovic CEO/Founder
Past Inspirational Families:
2008 – Sydnie Guttovz (Congenital Heart Defects)
2009 – Joseph Penrod (Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy)
2010 – Genika Landry (HSAN)
2011 – Drew Clayborn (Spinal Cord Injuries)
2012 – Lillianna Shull (AT/RT – Brain Tumor)
2013 – Jacob Pesta (Thalamic Brain Tumor)
2014 – Sydney Balzer (ACL – Leukemia)
2015 – Scarlet Goszczynski (Spinal Muscular Atrophy)
2016 – Jameson Scheib (ALL – Leukemia)
2017 – Elana McEwen (PCD – Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia)
2018 – Matt Horn (Airway Malacia)
2019 – Nathan Miller (Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy)
2020 & 2021 – William Erickson (Spinal Muscular Atrophy)
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